Yoga for Prenatal

A low-impact yoga routine is not an option but an essential part of a prenatal workout session. Pregnancy is a sensitive matter, it demands care, both physical and mental, and yoga might be the right answer for your health. The best online prenatal yoga classes are designed in a way to carefully monitor health and wellness. You need to be relaxed and focused during your yoga practices. Prenatal yoga has unmeasurable benefits including your body being prepared for childbirth.

Here the course is specifically designed for prenatal yoga classes that will be easy, completely safe and prepare you for an exciting future.

About Yoga for Prenatal Course

The course is specifically designed for pregnant women, with more emphasis on low-impact yoga postures to maintain balance, fitness and proper functioning of muscles. The comprehensive course is broken down based on the trimester. The yogic postures, relaxation methods and mediation aim the adaptation to the changes occurring during pregnancy. It will increase strength, fitness and calmness of mind for a perfect childbirth experience.

  • Enhances endurance for childbirth
  • Enhances fitness and strength
  • Improves sleeping pattern
  • Reduces stress and anxiety
  • Reduces nausea, headache and lower back pain
  • Fights stress, postpartum anxiety
  • Imbibes a feeling of well-being and optimism

Disclaimer: We suggest you talk to your doctor and get a clearance before your practice yogic postures.

Prenatal Yoga: The Perfect Pregnancy Workout Routine

During pregnancy, your ligaments, joints and muscles are subjected to more stress. Moreover, pregnancy hormones play an important part in the flexibility of ligaments and joints. Prenatal yoga class emphasises breathing, stretches and low-impact strengthening exercises.

Strengthens Physical Structure

Yogic postures will help in preparing your body for pregnancy and labour.

Prevents Unnecessary Weight Gain

Yogic postures help you stay active and prevent gestational weight gain and deep vein thrombosis.

Stabilises Mood

Integrated yoga including mediation and breathing techniques stabilizes your mood, decreases the level of anxiety.

Prevents Common Pregnancy Complaints

Yogic exercises provide relief from common pregnancy complaints such as headaches, carpal tunnel syndrome, shortness of breath and others.

Prevents Anxiety

Breathing exercises will calm your mind, and ease the symptoms of unnecessary anxiety.

If You Are New To Yoga

If you are pregnant and new to yoga, there is no worry! It is recommended to start early in your pregnancy.

  • Stick to ‘Prenatal Yoga Classes’ as the teacher will guide you specifically for your cause.
  • Listen to your teacher, follow every step and maintain regularity in your yoga schedule.
  • When something doesn’t feel right, tell your teacher candidly.
  • If you have a pre-existent physical problem, consult your doctor before joining a class.
  • Yoga will increase blood and nutrient supply to your body. So, you need to maintain the diet suggested by your teacher.


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